DOMPurify 3.2.3 Bypass (Non-Default Config)


I found a bypass in DOMPurify which allows for sanitized HTML to cause XSS on the first day of the Chinese New Year! Here is how.


From looking at the previous few DOMPurify bypasses, a common theme can be spotted: the payloads are usually a combination of mXSS + comments in attribute values.

And if you take a look at src/purify.ts in DOMPurify, it does seem like cure53 have patched both comments and CDATA, or have they?

/* Work around a security issue with comments inside attributes */
if (SAFE_FOR_XML && regExpTest(/((--!?|])>)|<\/(style|title)/i, value)) {
    _removeAttribute(name, currentNode);

If we take a close look at the WHATWG HTML specification, we can see that comments not only come in the form of <!-- ... --> but also in <! ... > due to the incorrectly opened comment exception.

This on paper allows us to sneak comment end tags in attribute values if they are in the form of <! ... >… right?

If you have experience with mXSS, you might know that the it works because when comments are wrapped in a specific payload, it is treated as text in the first parsing(DOMPurify), but treated as a comment in the second parsing(browser).

However the payloads for mXSS require that the sneaked in comments be wrapped in <style> tags. Plus, DOMPurify removes all possible tags from text nodes, so the comment end tag must be in an attribute value.

But we want to achieve this… How? <style><! ... <a id='><img src onerror="alert(1)">'

Another challenge presented is that we can’t simultaneously have both comments and HTML elements in the <style> tag due to DOMPurify and how HTML works, so we can’t “mutate” the anchor tag in.

At the bottom of the DOMPurify sanitize function, we see that there is a somewhat dangerous sanitization, replacing possible template expressions with spaces. This made me wonder, whether I could remove the closing style tag with this.

    /* Sanitize final string template-safe */
      arrayForEach([MUSTACHE_EXPR, ERB_EXPR, TMPLIT_EXPR], (expr) => {
        serializedHTML = stringReplace(serializedHTML, expr, ' ');

return trustedTypesPolicy && RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE
  ? trustedTypesPolicy.createHTML(serializedHTML)
  : serializedHTML;

Well turns out you can… Here is the full PoC.


mXSS portion taken from Yaniv Nizry

        <! \${
      <foo-b id="><img src onerror='alert(1)'>">hmm...</foo-b>
      tagNameCheck: /^foo-/,
