3 XSS Vulnerabilities discovered in SolidJS
At the beginning of the year, while I was using SolidJS to develop some project, I noticed some weird behaviour and attempted to investigate the bugs behind it. In the end, I found 2 XSS vulnerabilities and 1 NoFix.
XSS in JSX fragments
In short, dom-expressions, the underlying library for SolidJS by @ryansolid does not sanitize text elements in JSX fragments.
Link to relevant source code: https://github.com/ryansolid/dom-expressions/blob/main/packages/babel-plugin-jsx-dom-expressions/src/shared/transform.js
console.log(ssr("!!", <div>{"<div></div>"}</div>));
// { t: '!<div><div></div></div>!' }
console.log(ssr("!!", <>{"<div></div>"}</>));
// { t: '!<div></div>!' }
Interestingly, the team told me that this was actually intended behaviour, so they fixed it by again escaping text in SolidJS itself. https://github.com/solidjs/solid/commit/b93956f28ed75469af6976a98728e313d0edd236
This was the bug I found accidentally while working with SolidJS.
XSS in meta tags
I was curious as to whether I could find more vulns after the previous finding, so I went ahead and looked around their discord server. I found this issue which mentioned that $'
in the meta tag breaks ssr.
Does this look familiar? If you have seen my write up on web/submission, you may immediately recognise this as the special replacement patterns of the .replace
function in JavaScript. I have explained the feature in detail in that blog, please take a look at that write up if you want to know about how .replace works.
For instance, if something like this were to be used, placing user defined variables(like profile description for the open graph protocol), then rXSS can be achieved with the payload http://localhost:3000/?username=$`<svg/onload=alert(1)>
export default function App() {
const [username] = createResource(() => {
return new URL(getRequestEvent().request.url).searchParams.get("username");
return (
<Meta property="og:title" content={username()} />
<Meta property="og:type" content="profile" />
Welcome to the profile of {username()}.
Fix: https://github.com/ryansolid/dom-expressions/commit/521f75dfa89ed24161646e7007d9d7d21da07767
XSS in noscript
To summarize, I found that the sanitize function which SolidJS does not sanitize the <
character in attributes, which is quite a well-known trick.
export function escapeHTML(s, attr) {
if (typeof s !== "string") return s;
const delim = attr ? '"' : "<";
const escDelim = attr ? """ : "<";
The team decided that this was not severe enough(which was reasonable), and documented it in their newly created security guide instead. https://github.com/solidjs/solid-docs/pull/1090
- https://github.com/ryansolid/dom-expressions/blob/main/packages/babel-plugin-jsx-dom-expressions/src/shared/transform.js
- https://github.com/solidjs/solid/commit/b93956f28ed75469af6976a98728e313d0edd236
- https://github.com/solidjs/solid-meta/issues/54
- https://github.com/ryansolid/dom-expressions/commit/521f75dfa89ed24161646e7007d9d7d21da07767
- https://www.acunetix.com/blog/web-security-zone/mutation-xss-in-google-search/
- https://github.com/solidjs/solid-docs/pull/1090